Online Preparation


Practicing 11 Plus questions and techniques is the best way to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the 11 Plus syllabus to be ready for the real exam.

With over 21,000 new questions available, 11PlusDIY on line testing must be the first choice when it comes to 11 Plus preparation.

11PlusDIY is managed by a team of professionals that understand the 11 Plus syllabus. We also provide teaching material for Tutors, Independent schools and even some Grammar schools.

Terms and Conditions

11PlusDIY Student Portal Benefits

The 11PlusDIY online testing portal has been fully upgraded. Its the most advanced 11 Plus testing system on the market and provides the following benefits:

  1. Unlimited 11 Plus practice on CEM and GL Assessment question types
  2. Instant test results to review your scores
  3. Builds familiarity with the wording of CEM and GL Assessment question types
  4. Helps identify weak areas
  5. Boosts motivation and confidence
  6. Provides a simulated timing analysis for test conditions
  7. Develops examination skills and the speed of question answering
  8. Develops the core skills in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning and the more focused CEM subjects (Numerical reasoning, Comprehension and Cubes & Nets)
  9. Helps students to assimilate and follow written instructions accurately and quickly

11 Plus New Focused Questions

Not all students have the same abilities, nor can everyone excel in all subjects. A child who maybe strong in Maths Algebra maybe weaker in English Comprehension.
The 11PlusDIY portal has been developed to allow students to target key areas of learning for personalised development. See “Question Types” when you use the software.
A proven strategy for improvement in the 11 Plus exam is “Repetition”. By repeating and reviewing different questions from a similar skill set, students can learn how to comprehend concepts at a faster and more effective rate. 11PlusDIY Repetition tools make it easier for students to understand 11 Plus concepts without wasting time.

Simple User Friendly Design

Designing an education website for children is different to designing a website for adults.
Children don’t look for information on a website. They look to have fun and to learn. The 11PlusDIY Student Portal has been designed for children aged 9-12 who are increasingly proficient with the internet and look for websites that feel grown up, with simple navigation and intuitive functionality, but still retain a friendly feeling.

Feedback on each question

The most important aspect of the 11PlusDIY Portal is the feedback we provide on each question.All 11PlusDIY Tests are instantly marked to provide students and parents with a detailed breakdown on the result and time taken to answer questions.
All the questions that a normal parent would find difficult to answer come with a explanation of the question to make understanding easy.

11PlusDIY Student Performance Reports

The 11PlusDIY Portal provides a performance report to students outlining very simply all their performance scores in the tests recently taken. The reports show the average and the highest marks obtained for every subject type.
Students can also compare their own performance with a similar group of students from the same region or applying for the same school.

The following reports are available at the touch of a button:

  1. Last rest results
  2. Results by subject
  3. Last 10 tests by score
  4. Last 10 tests by time
  5. Cumulative score
  6. Performance by subject
  7. School comparison
  8. Compare your student with national average for a particular school.

11PlusDIY Certificates

After all 11PlusDIY online tests are complete, students and parents can print off a certificate to evidence their successful scores.

Core Question Types

The 11PlusDIY Portal has over 53 different question types to test. You can choose from a combination of mixed or individual subject, testing all of the skills necessary to pass the 11 Plus exam. A list of the test subjects would include:

  • Mathematics
    Algebra, Decimals, Fractions, Geometry, Logic, Money, Numbers, Percentage, Probability, Ratio, Shapes, Short Maths, Statistics, Time and Weights & Measures.
  • English
    Antonyms, CLOZE, Spellings, Suffix, Synonyms
  • Vocabulary
    Antonyms, Synonyms, Definitions, Comprehension vocabulary
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
    3D Cube Rotation, 3D Cube to Net, 3D Net to Cube, Fill in the blank shape, Grids, Odd one out, Related shapes, Rotational and Shape codes.
  • Verbal Reasoning
    Insert a letter, Find the odd word, Alphabet code, Synonyms, Hidden word in sentence, Find the word, Opposites, Re-arrange the new word, Complete alphabet series, Complete sentence, Word series code, Complete word pairs, Form New words, Create words, Pick the word, Word relationships and Answer the following.